Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Bourgainvillea Arch

The Bourganvillea plant was a little scrawny fence climber when we moved in.  I was impressed by other bourgainvilleas that I had seen around the city.  They climb walls, over doorways, rooftops and cascade down properties like vibrant waterfalls, spilling onto sidewalks sometimes.  Ours went without direction for a long time, until last summer when I thought it would be cool to try and form an arch with its long arms.  It was skinny and looked silly at first, but it has beefed up and is now flowering!
Magenta flowers

splash of color amongst the drab (thanks M for killing the grass)

I do love our palm tree (in the background) too!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

M, Diver-in-Training

E and I set a new life goal about a month ago!!! Since we both love diving and we both love our dog, we thought it would be cool to see if we can teach M to dive! Obviously not with equipment - but just to dive underwater and swim around for a few seconds or so....We found that he really likes to retrieve rocks that are lying on the sea floor and we've used that as motivation! So far, so good! Check out his latest training:

M, diver-in-training